The subscription-based model of healthcare offers many advantages, especially when it comes to eliminating redundant back-office responsibilities. This includes insurance paperwork, invoice processing, and other tedious filing requests. Even still, concierge care deals with a lot of sensitive information that must be handled delicately to avoid regulatory mishaps.
When you work with a partner like Specialdocs, these workflows are handled by a very experienced team. Efficient medical insurance billing and patient support is always a high priority, and it’s important to have the manpower needed to stay on top of it all. Entrusting these workflows to a medical billing consultant such as Specialdocs Consultants allows for the most seamless integration into your concierge medicine practice.
Our extensive capabilities enable you to outsource medical billing services like insurance claims, patient records and more. Similar to our concierge medicine marketing services, our team takes the guesswork out of your healthcare billing and streamlines all back-office operations so you can concentrate on providing the best possible care for your patients.
Billing & back-office operations
Serving as an integral member of your staff, Specialdocs will support your team by managing time-intensive but vital tasks behind the scenes. These include handling your concierge medical billing, so you won’t have to spend time processing invoices in-house.
Membership billing
We handle your “rolling” renewals every two weeks throughout the year, with personalized cover letters and invoices; process your membership fees, collections and deposits; and reach out to non-responders.
iMED Portal access
iMED (which stands for Immediate Membership Enrollment Data) provides ongoing access to our exclusive web-based portal for real-time enrollment and billing data and financial projections.
Patient communication services
We promptly answer all patient inquiries that come in via your website, and provide them with a full package of materials highlighting the benefits of your specific practice.
Newly enrolled patient outreach
We provide a warm welcome to your new patients with a packet that includes a personalized cover letter and details about your practice.

Your Behind-the-Scenes Experts
Our healthcare billing services are one of the many value-add propositions that have finally convinced many providers to switch to the concierge model. When you choose to work with us to outsource medical billing, our team meets with you to understand how you’ve done things in the past and how integrated you want our concierge medicine insurance billing capabilities to be. The Specialdocs difference provides a level of personalization that you won’t be able to find anywhere else.
If you’re ready to explore a new world of medicine and work with a partner who can optimize all concierge medical billing for your private practice, take the STEP evaluation today.