Converting your practice to a concierge model can provide numerous benefits to both your work life and patients. Concierge medicine allows for more focus on preventative care, resulting in more face time with patients and higher patient satisfaction. Not only will you spend more meaningful time with your patients, you’ll have more personal time for yourself.
Witness the benefits of the concierge model firsthand through the following client testimonials from Specialdocs’ Revolutionary Journeys to Concierge Medicine video series.
Featured Specialdocs Video
Introducing Specialdocs’ featured Journey to Concierge Medicine video which highlights Dr. Jay Tyroler in Fairfax, Virginia as he recounts his transition to concierge medicine. Through this video, we provide an inside look at the process that led to his decision and the benefits that come with this unique model of healthcare.
We invite you to discover the advantages of concierge medicine and the incredible impact it can have on the doctor-patient relationship. Get ready to be enlightened and inspired by the transformative power of this innovative approach to healthcare.
Ready to see if you’re an ideal candidate for the Specialdocs concierge model?
Whether you’re an independent physician, part of a group practice, or employed by a hospital or other health system, you too can begin to enjoy the benefits of a concierge practice. Not only will you be able to forge stronger bonds with your patients & dedicate more time for personalized care, you’ll find more personal time and enjoy a healthy work-life balance.
Start the conversation by clicking on the button below to take our brief Specialdocs Test for Evaluating Practices (STEP).

![<div class='wpb_wrapper'>“If you have the opportunity to choose Specialdocs [for your transition to concierge medicine], you’re not going to regret it.”
<p><strong>Gene Shmorhun, MD, of Family Healthcare of Fairfax</strong></p>
<p>Internal Medicine Physician<br>
Fairfax, Virginia</p>
<div class='ult-spacer spacer-6499a711d0829' data-id='6499a711d0829' data-height='10' data-height-mobile='10' data-height-tab='10' data-height-tab-portrait='' data-height-mobile-landscape='' style='clear:both;display:block;'></div>
<div class='w-btn-wrapper align_none'><a class='w-btn us-btn-style_1 us_custom_3188818e icon_atright' href=''><span class='w-btn-label'>Family Healthcare of Fairfax’s story</span><i class='fas fa-arrow-right'></i></a></div> Family Healthcare of Fairfax](

![<div class='wpb_wrapper'>“I’m glad that I can continue my career and continue to love what I do. [It’s] why I went into practice in the first place.”
<p><strong>Christopher Stringer, MD</strong></p>
<p>Internal Medicine Physician<br>
Manlius, New York</p>
<div class='ult-spacer spacer-6499a711d5717' data-id='6499a711d5717' data-height='10' data-height-mobile='10' data-height-tab='10' data-height-tab-portrait='' data-height-mobile-landscape='' style='clear:both;display:block;'></div>
<div class='w-btn-wrapper align_none'><a class='w-btn us-btn-style_1 us_custom_3188818e icon_atright' href=''><span class='w-btn-label'>Dr. Stringer’s story</span><i class='fas fa-arrow-right'></i></a></div> Christopher Stringer, MD](

![<div class='wpb_wrapper'>“I think [concierge medicine] is the only way to give patients what they want from their doctor.”
<p><strong>Nan Monahan, MD</strong></p>
<p>Internal Medicine Physician<br>
Atlanta, Georgia</p>
<div class='ult-spacer spacer-6499a711e606e' data-id='6499a711e606e' data-height='10' data-height-mobile='10' data-height-tab='10' data-height-tab-portrait='' data-height-mobile-landscape='' style='clear:both;display:block;'></div>
<div class='w-btn-wrapper align_none'><a class='w-btn us-btn-style_1 us_custom_3188818e icon_atright' href=''><span class='w-btn-label'>Dr. Monahan’s story</span><i class='fas fa-arrow-right'></i></a></div> Nan Monahan, MD](

![<div class='wpb_wrapper'>“[Specialdocs] values their physicians. They respect their physicians. They don’t just see us as a money-making opportunity.”
<p><strong>Dom Curatola, MD, FACC</strong></p>
Mountain View, California</p>
<div class='ult-spacer spacer-6499a711eb28d' data-id='6499a711eb28d' data-height='10' data-height-mobile='10' data-height-tab='10' data-height-tab-portrait='' data-height-mobile-landscape='' style='clear:both;display:block;'></div>
<div class='w-btn-wrapper align_none'><a class='w-btn us-btn-style_1 us_custom_3188818e icon_atright' href=''><span class='w-btn-label'>Dr. Curatola’s story</span><i class='fas fa-arrow-right'></i></a></div> Dom Curatola, MD](